About Us
PhilanthropyJobs.com is the #1 place to find jobs and careers at philanthropic and non-profit institutions.
For employers we are the affordable, highly-effective recruitment solution that helps non-profits find and recruit the best professionals to work at their institutions.
For job seekers we are the most authoritative source for finding philanthropic and non-profit employment.
Our user-friendly and comprehensive website is designed to make finding great non-profit jobs easier than ever.
It is well-known that philanthropic and non-profit institutions play an immensely important role in our society. They lead the way - every day - in doing great work for the common good.
For non-profit organizations to operate at optimal levels now and in the years ahead, they will need the very best administrators, executives, and staff members working at their institutions.
This is where PhilanthropyJobs.com comes in: We connect non-profit employers and job seekers, easily and efficiently.
Each job listed on our site is seen by tens of thousands of highly-qualified candidates who are specifically searching for Great Jobs and Careers for Nonprofit Professionals.
Please bookmark our website today and return often. Contact us now to learn how we can help you reach your employment goals. Enjoy the site!
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